Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mousicians… and deceit...

Our party finds itself in a Turkish bath house. Large natural stone-bowls of steaming, clear, bluish-green water dot this underground grotto, with heewn stone floors, walls and ceilings. Lichen line the walls, offering a soft glow throughout the stone maze.

Our party stares dumbfounded as several ladies approach. Too shocked to protest, they soon find themselves being expertly bathed by these exotic beauties, the dust, dirt and grime whisked away before they are rinsed in cool, clear water and then led to either the massage tables, the steam room or the soaking pools. Wine is offered freely, as are small dates and figs on salvers.

Being unfamiliar with the surprises the party has found, Martonis chooses to dress and not lounge about. He is followed by Amaril, Morgan and finally Ooma and Wik. All are pleasantly surprised to discover their belongings have been cleaned, polished, sharpened, repaired, oiled, refined, and restocked. Amaril learns the secret to the glass vase as he sees the lady pour the contents back into the vase and retop it while he is being dressed and chooses to keep this information to himself, sharing it with Wik later.

They are led from the bathing pools to a foyer, or lobby with thick carpeting, festive walls, and large wall sconces burning fragrant candles. Several ornate benches with thick, plush pillows are arranged artfully around the large space, and a few people, with khol-lined eyes, sit, awaiting the giggling-ladies to show them into the pools. The window openings to the outside are heavily draped with brilliant scarves and thick rugs.

Morgan is determined to talk to these people but is thwarted as their language resembles nothing he knows, and yet he has a sense he should.

“The Moors were Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors were initially of Berber and Arab descent, though the term was later applied to Africans, Iberian Christian converts to Islam, and people of mixed ancestry. Who in modern times are found sailing the high seas as pirates...”

Opposite the doors into the bathing pools are sixteen-foot high Moorish doors, their ornamentation bright and gaudy. As the party moves towards the doors, smiling and inclining their heads politely as they pass couples, families and individuals, two large, elaborately outfitted men pull back the heavy doors, salaaming our heroes as they exit ...into a wide lobby with a red carpet with tiny gold fleur de leis woven into the deep-red carpeting, flowing luxuriously throughout the space. Turning back, the Moorish doors are already fading into blackness...

Given mere moments to absorb their new surroundings, they are whisked up a wide marble staircase by an animated young lady who is positively glowing with excitement.

“Here you are! Isn’t it exciting? Come now, we’ll have to get you seated before it begins, follow me; follow me.” She turns. “Here you are!” She holds back the curtain to a private balcony with six wide, upholstered seats. She waits for you to enter and settle yourselves before murmuring that, “The Mousicians are already entering the stage!”

As they drink from crystal goblets filled with liquid refreshments the curtain rises, and the orchestra, tiny mice, softly begins their show. Nearly asleep as our heroes wonder when they can leave without attracting unwanted attention, they fidget and peer about the large amphitheatre. Morgan and Ooma, notice mice scurrying along dropping into balconies, unnoticed by the patrons. Morgan notes that the mice have red eyes. Wik sees them racing along the rafters.

A cache of tiny trinkets is found and collected by Martonis, as Morgan points out the trail he sees leading to it. The party then make their way down the stairs and begins filing toward the exit. Wik excuses himself to visit the private loo, returning a few minutes later. “Where is Morgan?” he asks.

Morgan, seeking a different exit, leaves and then locates the party outside, on the long avenue. Undecided as to direction they peer up and down the miles long, straight boulevard.

Wik spots a sign in the distance that only brings more questions. “What’s an Eiffel Tower? Or an Arc de Triomphe?”

Undecided still, the Paige pokes her head out of the Theatre. “Are you lost? I thought you would be at the hotel. They are waiting for you.”

Martonis asks, “Why would they be waiting for us?”

The Paige goes red and stammers, begging them to forget she has said this. Martonis is adamant and wishes to know who is waiting for them.

Reluctantly she murmurs in a low voice, “You saved the child.”

“Lucy?” Ooma asks surprised.

The girls nods, “Please, I do not wish to spoil the surprise.”

“Who is Lucy? Are you sure it is the same one?”

“Oui, Lucy, heir to the throne. She is to be crowned queen.”

A silence envelops our heroes as they digest this information, and then, seemingly all at once deny that they did the deed for gain. “We do this sort of stuff. It’s kinda what we do.”

“Please don’t tell them I mentioned anything,” the Paige pleads.

“Of course not,” the party agrees.

“Your hotel is at the end of this avenue,

As they enter the bed and breakfast, they are greeted cordially, and, because of the late hour they rush the party up the stairs and into individual bedrooms, well appointed with everything royalty would expect! On a sideboard in the sitting room each hero will locate several bottles of fortifications. Morgan, being fond of rum is overjoyed to find three large bottles of the Captain’s stuff sitting beside a large cut-glass tumbler.

Thinking swiftly, he saunters across the hall to Martonis’s room, and, on the pretence of admiring the luxuries afforded them, he eyes the liquor cabinet greedily. Martonis waves his hand, “Help yourself, friend.”

Morgan wastes no time in relieving the board of its stash of three more bottles of rum. Ooma wanders in, “We should get Wik and Amaril and divide that treasure up. Maybe take another look at that vase, ‘eh?”

With Martonis and Morgan in agreement, Ooma knocks on their doors, finding Amaril in Wik’s room. “Come to Martonis’s room, and bring the vase,” she hollers.

When they arrive, Amaril is confronted about the vase. “I don’t have it any more, maybe those bath ladies took it?” he offers weakly.

Martonis challenges him. “I don’t believe you.”

An argument ensues, with Wik being dragged in as Amaril flounders on open sea. Martonis, Ooma and Morgan all disbelieving the tales regarding the loss of the vase and its treasure. “Well, I tell you, I can’t abide those who won’t tell the truth!” Martonis emphatically growls. “I remove my spell of protection from you both and don’t expect any further healing from me in the future!”

Wik laughs, “Don’t expect my help when you need a trap examined.”

Then the party does the worst thing possible. They go to bed angry. This does not seem to bother some, but Martonis is bitter at the fibs and struggles throughout the night listening to an annoying tapping sound, awakening fatigued. Others are perturbed by the wails of some ethereal form or other. Others sleep like dead-fall logs...

Hoping day break brings softer attitudes and clearer reasonings…


XP: 150 each. (Decided by subtracting, multiplying and dividing all of the choices made...) EXTRA-XP for those who write a story (with the Tavern at its centre...); journal entry (of usefulness); or an insight into their character’s back story... 50xp x character level, for one entry per week…


(Click for Video Version)


anger and greed make poor comforts...
fledgling Dungeon Mistress,

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Turkish Delight...

will the fun never stop on this dizzy ride through wonderland...? Probably not…

I apologise for the severe lateness in getting this posted. We had two dogs die this week, a mere 24-hours apart. One, a complete surprise. After having 10k in vet bills she up and dies from a wholly unrelated, and undiagnosed, ailment. At least it was quick. Less than 3-1/2 hours from onset of symptoms to euthanasia – make that 11k. The second suffered for about 36 hours while lab results were returned. Nothing was good. Her prognosis was 'humane euthanasia'. (Adding in, the furnace offered this message: System Malfunction, call the ridiculously over priced repair dude in who won’t fix it and we’ll have to call him back again tomorrow... And, then, drill through the main (or secondary) power line to the house, effectively frying half the house. The electrician still hasn’t called.)

So, sorry for the delay.

Spin the wheel…

How did we get here? A recap might be in order. (good thing we have video evidence of what I'm about to mangle, so if you want proof, you'll need to re-watch the game…)

Starting in, where else? The Obsidian Walled room. (Or A-5 on the DM’s map…)

Waking from their slumber, and finding Amaril ghosting in overnight (and (not) wondering how he got in if they can’t get out) they begin discussing their exit strategy.

“We’ve tried everything!” (The DM snickers. Mirthfully laughing, ‘Not everything’.)

They don’t even attempt to solve the bonus riddle offered in their dreams, drawing them once again to the realms of awareness.

Quick review: The party is apparently stuck in a room with a sixty foot Obsidian sliding wall, their entrance into this frustrating puzzle. The Wall sits in slots guiding its path along troughs securing it deeply into the north and south wall, as well as the floor and ceiling. The other walls are rough rock with sharp edges. The floor is rubble strewn, sandy, rocky; worked-stone. The domed ceiling soars about forty-to-sixty feet? Thirty?

On the West wall, a carved-rock door opens inward, the open door reveals a wide tunnel, a stinky pile of two-days bowel and bladder gifts about 20-foot in, in a side alcove, and a further thirty to sixty feet beyond that, along the main trunk, is a massive cave-in from floor to ceiling large boulders and solid dirt.

The north wall in the Obsidian-walled room embraces the insidious skeleton holding room, the door still invisible to those who are actively searching for it. On the same wall, closer to the Obsidian Wall, sits a lever, (pulling it in the past resulted in a large rumble, dust and debris and the clear sound of a door being opened, but the party could not see what or where.)

The south wall has a cleverly designed panel that sits flush with the surrounding rock, opening when a key from the bank of keys, further along the wall, hidden behind another well-hidden stone panel, is turned.

The bank of keys, if you’ll remember from our last ‘episode’, has six keys fitted into six keyholes. Each key, when turned, offers different results, some more harmful than others; some with accumulative penalties.

The other panel, when a certain key is turned, opens to reveal a lovely glass vase filled with gold coins, colourful gems and jewellery pieces. It sits upon the dais as it has stumped the party and still holds its treasure tightly.

The golden tablet, now a cold, gold puddle, sits where it was knocked, the podium lies on its side in the snow. (I will assume that Morgan will be hiding the misshapen gold in his rucksack.)

A lengthy discussion ensues as to the party’s options, their strengths and weaknesses. Ooma offers several viable alternatives. Martonis searches for the opening which provides the breeze, and learns that it flows through the tunnel between the caved-in rubble.

Ooma moves to the lever and pushes upward on it, discovering it needs someone a little less height-challenged. Before she does so, Father Martonis casts a spell allowing each of our players to recover one hit point per round of combat for the next twenty-four hours!

Martonis lends a hand, lifting the lever easily, hearing it clunk into its slot. Ooma immediately hauls it down again. They hear the rumble, the room shivers and debris dust downward. Martonis mutters, “Why do I even bother?”

A deep sigh as nothing else happens. Suddenly they notice Wiks lantern light is shining through the glass vase onto the wall and there appear to be shadows of words or symbols. Wik goes to the vase and slowly spins it.

Fuzzy shadows appear, unfocussed on the wall opposite the light.

Wik requests Ooma to move the lantern back and forward, in an attempt to focus the symbols. She does so, helping him.

The KEY to the solution... begins to come into focus. Wik freezes. “Ooma, walk around me with the lantern, see if there are more words.”

Clearing on the wall, “Is making ORDER from chaos.”

Wik excitedly turns the vase, and then back again as the letters fade. Ooma moves the lantern again, Wik moving out of the light.

Martonis speculates quietly, “The order of the keys; okay we’ll need to turn the keys in order.”

The last two sentences loom on the wall:

When all that is LEFT;

The solution must be RIGHT.

“Turn the keys to the left!” Martonis insists. “You’ve been turning them to the right, turn them left.”

“We can try that, and if that doesn’t work, we can try turning them from left to right,” Wik nods.

“I think we should try turning them to the right,” Martonis murmurs.

Wik agrees, stating, “We’ll try that, then my way, whichever works.” So Martonis moves to turn the keys the left most to the right most. Turning the green key first, a piano begins to play a delightful melody.

He moves to turn the red key. They hold their breath, watching for another pile of red ooze, when... the drums join the piano! Getting excited, the blue key is turned, and the string instruments start twanging along. The yellow key sets the vase shivering, and the horn section blares to life!

Wik runs to the vase expecting it to shatter and release its treasure. It does neither.

The black key brings forth the clashing of cymbals and the white key utters forth the mighty triangles upon the melody, which rises and our adventurers hear a loud ‘crack’, incorrectly concluding the wall has shattered. What they find is the wall has broken free and slides open.

Wik looks at the jar while Martonis hustles for the exit. Ooma grabs the lantern and walks to the edge of the threshold, stopping hesitatingly. Amaril follows Wik to the dais, admiring the clear vase. Wik picks up the vase, hands it to Amaril, who places it in his rucksack, then follows Wik out of the room. Ooma is right behind them. The door remains open.

Wik notices that the sconce he saw earlier when peering through the glass that had burnt out, is now brightly lit, the oil having been replaced at some time, recently too, as he only peered out twelve hours or less ago.

They find themselves in a deep valley type corridor with a wide opening at either end. Our party chooses to go south then along the eastern curve, following the strongest of the breezes. The sound of the ocean is roaring and the tang of the ocean wafts around, pushing north. The stench of fish invades periodically souring the fresh air.

Shuffling noises also reach their ears.

As they come to a wide crossroad of a sort, their ears perceive a familiar muttering. Martonis looks quizzically at the others.

The jibberish grows louder as they inch around the corner keeping close to the walls. Martonis takes his cue from the others and tenses nervously. Wik mutters, “Not again.” He spies the now familiar shape of the white-haired stocky creature with his back to them arguing with the western side of an outcropping of rock, apparently. He leans back and whispers to Martonis, “That creature is evil. Its brothers have tried to kill us twice now.”

Martonis nods, “I’ll hold my judgement on evil.”

Ooma whispers, “Yah, if we can avoid an encounter with this dude, tha’d be great. These dudes are nasty.”

To either side of the outcropping is a path, one going south, the other veering west. There is also a wide path heading east.

Martonis responds to Wik’s suggestion that he ‘turn’ the creature with, “I cannot turn that which is not undead; he is not dead, so I cannot turn him.”

Ooma hisses a little too loudly, “Shoot him with your bow, Wik!”

The creature turns and he spots Wik! Charging, his short sword, raised, he stumbles and slides beyond Wik about ten-feet. Wik slices at him with his dagger, missing as the creature ducks and rolls away.

Jumping to his feet, the creature narrowly misses another swing of Wik’s dagger. Amaril pulls his scimitar and steps back. Martonis sneaks passed the creature and rises to his rear, and swings his morning star, hitting his back, punching several bloody holes along his body.

The creature stumbles as he slices at Martonis, knocking a dent in his armour. While Ooma ploughs into him with her mace, knocking his skull to the left and down the hall. His body crumples to the floor. “Home run!” Martonis calls.

Wik picks up the dagger, offering it to Martonis, who politely refuses, so into his rucksack Wik drops it. Searching his body Martonis’ hands get slimy, but he does pick up ten clear, uncut stones, that Ooma recognises as diamonds worth about ten gold each.

The stones are divided among the fighters, leaving Amaril a single stone.

The party continues to the south, the east side of the divide of the outcropping the Derro creature was shouting at.

The path narrows tightly as it twists, and the air grows colder and clammier. It also appears to be slanting downward. Coming to another divergence, the party chooses south again. Ten minutes along this path, the lantern starts to gut. Wik refills and relights it while Martonis and Amaril keep watch. Ooma walks further along the corridor and she notices a slight alcove in the rock wall. Her keen eyes also perceive a doorway.

“Hey, guys? Come here,” Ooma whispers.

The party moves toward her, Martonis’ armour clanking loudly – or seemingly loud in the close environment of hard surfaces.

Wik hands the lantern to Ooma as he careful examines the wall, locating the hinges and the panel that slides showing a thumb-latch, to which he was unfamiliar, but soon learns it is a simple handle, with no locks.

As he opens the door they see a dark corridor of hewn stone, the hinges do not squeak, and at the end a glow of light pervades around a sharp corner. Martonis casts a light spell on his morning star, bathing the area in a gentle light.

The air wafts with aromas that entice our heroes onward. Moving about five-feet down the hall, the door clangs closed.

As they proceed, weapons at the ready; Wik, an arrow nocked, down the smoothly hewn hall and around the corner and along and around the next corner, peering, their jaws drop.

“Whaaaat...?” they gasp, their mouths moving but no sound coming forth.

They burst into... a very large, very clean, busy, hustling commercial kitchen! With the mouth watering scents of seafood; the sounds of a kitchen operating flawlessly; a low murmur, steaks sizzling, soups bubbling. Wait staff move about; dishwashers go about their tasks, chefs put the finishing touches on dishes as staff whisk lip-smacking arrangements away.

A haughty, well-dressed French MaĆ®tre ‘d with a moustache, clucking his tongue, speaking so quickly his words become meaningless as he marches them through the kitchen to the dining room, seating them in a coveted booth near an art piece of polished jade styled to resemble an enormous eighty-foot Iris vase with a sixty-foot white and gray-onyx lifelike stork on spindly legs moulded into a heavily ornate ‘swamp’ footing. A giant slab of, what appears ancient stone, sits, balanced on the top of the statuary with carved stone grapes dripping from its inverted pyramid sides. Vines and other artistic greenery spills out and upward from this slab, toward a massive, one-hundred foot-long thirty-foot wide stained glass oval dome reflecting dancing sunlight through the fanciful coloured glass, lead and brass creation.

Martonis is especially smiling as his eyes look into the sunlight. “Ah, Pelor,” he sighs.

All around our group are the soft noises of a full bistro; diners, soft music played by a string quartet, the table our party is seated at is covered in a fine linen cloth with an overlay of spun silver. The cutlery, laid dizzyingly, appears silver. The booth itself is comfortable, with thick padding and a luxuriously soft blood-red tufted-hide covering.

A crystal bowl with floating carnations atop tiny silver stars sits in the centre front of the table, with three lighted hurricane-candles, their light subdued. Sconces, with enormous arms, suspend globes like delicate faerie lights. Gold painted walls and dark timbers arches and lintels reach to the edge of the domed ceiling complementing the effect nicely.

It seems our party is expected. No menu is brought but within moments of being seated, fresh, still hot from the oven, breads and condiments arrive.

Moments later a snotty creature rolls a steaming pot of bisque to the booth and begins serving each a huge bowl, with a tiny dribble of the creamy fragrant soup and several, perfectly divine, oysters on a separate plate. (Conversation appears fruitless as this person doesn’t react to the party at all.)

After a minute, a sommelier arrives, pours each of you a glass of wine, and disappears, after setting several fresh bottles on the table.

Before the bottles are empty, a small urchin arrives and removes the soup plates. Following on her heels, a boy with a cheese board, knife and more spreads, and on his heels, the sommelier with fresh wine for all. Wait staff move smoothly, carrying steamy platters of fragrant morsels past the tables, removing dirty dishes with discretion. A general ambiance of a happy, gay evening is extended; everyone appears to be smiling and enjoying themselves.

Wik explores the silverware. Ooma sips the wine indulgently, delicately forking her oysters to her lips. Behind the booth stage-whispers catch their attention, and, peering through the wheatgrass greenery, excited voices inform that there are famous people seated some distance away.

Amaril, nervously fidgeting twirls his ring, peering closely at it. In the centre stone, where he previously saw the shadow of a lady, now he sees two. “Holy sheep-dung! Hey, Wik. Look at this!”

The second looks like Ichabod! As Amaril stares into the ring, puzzled, he ponders aloud as to how Ichabod got into the ring? Wik remarks that, “Possibly the creature that flew off with her put her there.” Amaril continues staring at the ring, confused. Gazing at the stone he sit up. It appears that Ichabod is shouting, her arms flailing as she pounds upward...? Unseen, the staff glows as Morgan’s ghost salivates at the boards of food being set on the table before him... His hand wavers through the glass frustratingly.

Martonis suggests that possibly Ichabod and the lady may be ‘scrying’ through the ring.

As they enjoy the food, Martonis and Amaril suspiciously avoiding eating or drinking while Wik and Ooma enjoy themselves eating the rich foods and tasty wines, Ooma recites the tale of their journey so far. Describing the ‘FireStone’, a cape of jewels and a bag of jewels... Ooma swallows a large sips of wine as she speaks the lengthy tale to Martonis.

Martonis mentions he found a large bag of jewels and a healthy discussion ensures, about jewels and the FireStone.

“Speaking of money, how much is in the vase?” Martonis asks.

“We don’t know yet,” Wik assures him.

Ooma brags about Ichabod when Martonis politely refuses to eat reminding them he can create water and food as needed. “Can you summon potatoes, man? She could do that. It was awesome.”

A plate of dark chocolates on a silver salver is brought to end their supper.

Wik is dismayed to notice in a reflection in a spoon, that his skin is barely converting at all. Which allows Martonis to approach the delicate subject. “What kind of elf are you?” he asks politely curious.

Wik rudely retorts, “I’m a wood elf who had an accident with a couple of potions, now leave it alone.”

“A wood elf, huh? Well,” Martonis smiles, his grin widening, “Your hair blends in.”

Ooma asks Wik if he’s taken his medicines lately? To which he replies in the affirmative as they stand and move toward the front of the establishment.

Large windows to either side show cobbled streets, with – hey! Those iron rolling carts! Horses and buggies. Martonis is cautiously curious as he gasps, “What in the blazes are those?!”

Ooma laughs as they make their way toward the front, “I don’t know, but somehow,” she pauses, “I want one!”

They continue moving toward the door, cautiously. Ooma suggests Wik cover his head, to avoid being noticed, alerting Martonis he may be wanted by the law. Something Amaril is watching for the wanted poster and the reward...

Mincing their way to the door, shifting their heads casually as they do so, they exit through the wide, double foyer doors, into an air chamber. Pulling open the doors to the street and walking through, they are shocked to discover themselves in a Turkish bath house, standing on a wide tiled floor.

Spinning around, they discover the doorway is a solid brick wall.

Turning back, large bowls of steaming clear, bluish-green water dot this underground grotto. Lichen line the walls, offering a soft glow throughout the stone maze.

Young ladies, dressed in linen shifts, move toward the party, their giggling reminding one of young school-girls. It is obvious they are there to assist our heroes into one of the many pools, where a few other persons, male and female are reclining in the heated water.

A bath? I can’t believe Ooma isn’t already diving under the pleasantly oiled water... because, like, what could ever erupt from a tiny sluiceway and a few cauldrons of molten rock, right?


XP: 150 each. EXTRA-XP for those who write a story (with the Tavern at its centre...); journal entry (of usefulness); or an insight into their character’s back story... 50xp x character level, for one entry per week...



just go with the flow...
fledgling Dungeon Mistress,

Friday, November 13, 2015

We have the key...

As we should recall our party was immersed in darkness when we left last week, the lights being extinguished as the puzzle was correctly answered...

“Oh shit!” The battle cry emerges as the lights wink out and our party is plunged into inky-blackness, the dark so deep it takes even Ooma a moment to adjust her keen eyesight!

The golden glow above the podium is no longer glowing. Wik dropping to his knees, fills his lantern, strikes his flint and steel sparking the wick, bringing a small amount of light to the room again.

The light reveals a light haze, or fog, puffing out from under the dais, its odour a pleasant, sweet smell. The red ooze, released when the glowing red key was turned sits slightly over ten-foot from Wik, sparkling on the floor, about a cubic-foot, or a large pumpkin-size, puddle. Martonis manages to elude the penalty of the sleeping gas; our other team members already entertain immunity to its consequences.

  • DM SHTUFFS: A discussion ensued, clearing up a minor rule function. Ie: Up to level FOUR, you may receive your character’s FULL hit-die points, beyond level four you must ROLL to see how many more hit points you add. A roll of ‘one’ is a ‘botch’ and you can roll again.
  • When you (the party) takes a full, eight hour, (Elves, four) rest, you recover 1-point, per (your) level PLUS your constitution modifier.

Wik finally shows his party members the keys he’s found. 

Martonis is indignant. “You found keys? And didn’t tell anyone? You just turned them? I know I’m the new guy, but, really?

Wik describes his discovery behind the sliding panel, to the group.

A series of six glowing coloured keys set in keyholes in a horizontal row behind a sliding panel of stone. From left to right the keys are Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, White and Black. They are unmarked in any other way.

Ooma returns to the podium, rechecking to see if a new riddle has been written. She is disappointed.

A deep sigh and Ooma looks around.

The door on the west wall, with a cave-in a few metres down the corridor; a lever on the north wall, next to a faintly discernible rectangle, which the skeletons appear with far too much regularity; the Obsidian glass wall being the whole eastern wall of this sinister room. A panel of keys on the south wall, near the western door, and the podium, sitting on the dais, with the gold plaque atop it, in the centre of the room.

She looks up and down a slight puzzled look creasing her brow. The walls are solid black rock, jagged in places, smooth in others, the ceiling, or what she can see of it, appears to be the same material.

Wik strolls close to the Obsidian wall, attempting to peer through the opaque, polished glass-like rock, noticing the absence of a glowing sconce that lit the entry into this “tomb.”

Martonis repeatedly asks if anyone has a torch, to which Wik replies, “I’ve just lit a lantern.”

Martonis acknowledges this but has a different use in mind as he again asks for a torch.

Ooma and Wik return to examine the ooze intently. Ooma kneels next to the puddle, peering closely, waving her hand, attempting to have catch a whiff of the ooze’s aroma. Although her hand brings nothing of note to her nostrils, she does feel a cold wetness slithering about her chainmail armour-clad knees and calves, creeping along her armour.

As Ooma attempts to stand she discovers her legs glued to the floor. She tries to hit the red glob, bringing her mace down on the sticky substance coating her calves. Pieces chip off the main body, but as a whole, it appears unfazed.

Wik calls everyone over and instructs them to pull. As they lift Ooma from the floor, the substance forces her legs to remain in their bent, kneeling position. Morgan attempts to use his crowbar to pry the stuff loose from her legs as they lift her.

They set Ooma down again, all chip in and help untying her leggings, dropping them to the floor. Martonis again asks someone for a torch, explaining that the heat may burn away the glue.

Morgan lights a torch and fires the armour, watching as the heat melts the red substance, and, getting a little too close with the flame, Morgan touches the newly liquefied ooze, and it explodes the jelly-like substance, which separates the mass into particles about two-to-five centimetres diameter. Deftly our group manages to duck, dodge and evade the projectiles, which affix themselves all over the room, harmless now. A small scream assails their ears as this happens.

Ooma puts her armour back on after examining and discovering no harm has come to it through the ooze. While Ooma redresses, Wik takes a moment to discuss the panel of keys.

Martonis’s request that they take an eight-hour rest is heeded and they bed down for the night, Wik massaging the crĆØme he has into his skin to try to return his natural colour. The pink is fading from his hair, and if you look closely you can see the yellow skin slowly easing to a pink-flesh tone, but only on close examination, from afar, these slight changes are hardly noticeable.

Their sleep goes uninterrupted and they awaken refreshed. The corner of the tunnel, near the cave-in is beginning to have a privy-kind of smell, if you catch its drift. Immediately upon waking, they resume tackling the keys, discussing the ramifications of turning them. Wik relights the lantern during his watch, so it still burns brightly.

“Alright, there’s six keys. We’ve turned one, the red one, there’s green, blue, yellow, black and white left,” Wik informs the party.

Ooma, after pondering for a few moments, “I recommend we don’t turn the black one, black signifies something bad; even worse than red.”

Wik pipes in, “So, you guys want to turn white then?”

The discussion ensuing results in the white key being turned by Wik while everyone else stands near the podium, about thirty-foot back, Martonis moves a few feet further. Wik turns it, then turns it back, hearing a click both ways. Confused, he tries again, leaving the key turned for a few seconds before turning it back.

Floating down from the ceiling come big, white fluffy flakes of snow! It lands on our party, melting and dripping to the floor. The room also seems to drop a degree or two in temperature.

A sigh and they turn back to the keys, Morgan commenting, “I’m worried about turning that yellow key, I just have this feeling it’s going to be urine; a stream of urine!” (After much giggles...)

“The green one could be acid,” Wik reflects. The discussion continues until a consensus is reached.

“Green? Okay.” Wik turns the green key and the faraway tinkling sounds of a musical tune fills the room, and he switches the key off. Looking around they see nothing of note.

Twisting the yellow key, Ooma holds her shield above her head, but instead of the expected deluge of urine, a panel slides smoothly open at the opposite end of the wall, closer to the Obsidian partition.

Ooma runs over to the alcove, a stone niche of about two-foot wide, high and deep, finding a clear glass vase about eighteen inches in height, and about ten inches in girth. The vase is filled with gold coins, glittering gems, gold chains, silver bars, rings, and such. Ooma looks for any kind of pressure plate before she grabs the vase speedily backing away hurriedly. The vase is surprisingly heavy, and Ooma instantly feels a drain on her energy. She sets the vase down on the floor.

She tries to reach in to extract a coin, finding a glass cover on the top of the vase, impeding her fingers. “Hey guys, look at this,” she calls to the others, Wik’s eyes bulging as he moves swiftly to the riches-filled glass container.

They all approach, and Ooma waves her hands telling them what she’s found. Martonis suggests breaking it. Wik examines it closely, his eyes glittering as his mind whirls at the riches inside. He sees a crystal clear vase, or urn with wealth nearly spilling out. Ooma suggests turning the green key to see if the music will crack the glass and Wik, greedily enthralled with the vase nods, “Go ahead, I’m not setting this down.”

Ooma tells Wik to bring the vase over and set it next to the keys. He turns the green key, starting the pleasant musical tune, which they leave playing for over a minute, watching the vase intently to see if any changes occur and are disappointed. Nothing appears to happen.

Wik lifts the vase above his head and, in a moment of misplaced frustration, drops it hard, to the stone floor and is not only surprised, but stupefied when the vase does not shatter. Wik grabs it, examining it closely, not ascertaining the deception, and so, determinedly tries to place it in his backpack.

Ooma objects, her mind starting to wrap around the clues they are discovering and trying to make sense of them. “So we have snow, we’ve got this red ooze that likes to envelop things, and we’ve got this music, and I’m wondering if we put this out, and the red ooze envelops it, let it snow and then the music comes on... and...,” she pauses, “let’s find out what the other keys do! ‘Cause there might be like a sequence of events here.”

Wik agrees to this suggestion, yet still puts the vase in his backpack before turning the blue key.

As the key turns a sudden snapping, crackling sound comes from over head and shooting out from the southeast corner of the soaring ceiling, comes a jagged lightning bolt, it’s blue flame-like sizzle rapidly bouncing off the hard surfaces of the room hungrily until it finds its point, zapping Martonis’s plate-mail suit, stumbling him backward as it dissipates. Martonis feels the heat and is very grateful for the suit which protects him from serious damage.

Morgan, spying the smoke wafting from Martonis’s face shield, knocks on his armour, “You okay in there?” he laughs faintly.

“Yeh, I’m alive,” Martonis barks, trying to clear his head. “Wow! That was better than a fifth of...” his voice trails off.

Wik immediately turns back to the key bank, “Only black to go! Shall we spread out a little bit?”

As the group returns to their positions near the podium, Morgan holding his breath and closing his eyes, peeking from under his lashes as Wik turns the black key.

Martonis prays, “I may see you soon Lawrd,” he half-jokes. Leaving the key turned for a few seconds before turning it back, they look about the room, trying to determine what, if anything, has happened. They hear something flowing; gushing and Martonis finally notices a thick black trickle slowly oozing down the north wall, a couple of gallons or so spills forth before the key is turned back.

Martonis comments, “Uh-oh, we’ve got problems.”

Morgan relights a torch and sets it against the substance, hesitatingly. It seems to make the substance liquidier, and grows darker in colour. The smell reminds our party of ...clovers?

As Morgan finishes flaming the sticky, clover-smelling substance, Wik determinedly moves to examine the lever, sensing that it has a trap attached to it, but is unable to discover the purpose. He does discover that it will open, or close, a door, but not which door.

Wik shrugs, “It’s the only thing we haven’t tried.”

They discussed the purposes, as Morgan puzzles over what made the skeleton door open, if they haven’t yet pulled the lever? Wik astutely tells him that moving the gold tablet caused the door to open.

“The lever is the last thing we can try. Shall I pull it?” Wik queries the party. “Just make sure we’re all prepared for a fight.” He looks to each.

“Ahh, sure,” Morgan shrugs.

“Yeh, I guess,” Ooma decides, unenthusiastically.

“Martonis? You’re the one that’s probably going to get the heaviest workout,” Wik reminds him.

“Probably,” Martonis nods. “Go ahead.”

Wik pulls the lever and the party hears a large stone scraping along other stones and it rumbles in the room; a slight shaking and small dust particles floating downward. The noise seems to come from beyond the Obsidian wall. It rumbles for about ten to thirty seconds before ceasing.

Morgan exits and looks down the tunnel where the collapse, or cave-in, happened. He sees nothing that sets off alarm bells and decides to stroll the length, to the rubble, turning and retreating back to the room when there appears to be no changes to the corridor.

Wik, in the meantime, peers at the glass wall carefully, attempting to see if there is anything they may have missed.

He sees very little in the cavern beyond the wall, the dark purplish-smoky colour of the Obsidian making clear visibility difficult. He does note that the sconce, that burned on the wall next to the lever that released the door’s catch allowing them to enter the room, has burned out.

The wall is set into a groove in the floor and along the ceiling, and pushes tightly into slots at the north and south ends of the mostly square room. He is unable to determine how deep the glass sinks into the groove or how far it is inset into the stone slots.

Martonis tilts his head. Walking up to the wall, he knocks on it with his fist. “Open up,” he commands. He is not truly surprised when nothing happens. He next swings his morning star at the wall, Wik moving swiftly away to avoid being hit by the weapon and the flying chips of glass that are sure to fly about.

The wall resists his efforts.

Ooma shakes her head, “I still think it has something to do with these coloured keys.”

“Oh, probably,” Martonis sighs.

Wik suggests they turn the non-damaging keys. The yellow and green and leave the others unturned.

Ooma stands next to Wik and suggests the others stand in the doorway to the tunnel on the west wall. “Let’s do the red one again, plus then make it snow.”

Wik pipes up, “Were not doing the red one again! We’ll do the yellow white and,” he pauses, thinking, “and green one.”

Omma reminds him that, “The red was non-damaging; it just stuck to my armour.”

Martonis agrees, “It was just glue.”

Ooma continues, “So, I don’t know, like, maybe you should put the red ooze, make it snow, play the music, I don’t know, a combination of these things. Lightning; I dunno – it’s weird. Could these be like elementals?” she ponders.

Before any of that can happen, Morgan determinedly moves to the podium and touches the tablet. Ooma sees him, “Oh, gawd damn it!”

His finger resting on the tablet, he stares at the skeleton’s entry door. When nothing occurs, he picks the tablet up, dropping it back into place immediately, but, the damage is done, from the north wall, a door slides open and three obsidian skeletons with glowing red-eyes march out, going to the podium.

Morgan looks past the marching glass-undead into the room they have emerged from, attempting to discover if anything looks different from his earlier glimpse. From his vantage point he sees nothing that causes him to think the lever pulled moved anything in that room. He then scoops up a few of the glowing eyes strewn about the floor and throws them at the marching skeletons, before running to the tunnel in the west wall.

Martonis casts a spell, his arms raising and in a very deep voice, he intones, “By the glory and reign of Pelor, be gone!!” And, by the glory of Pelor, the Obsidian bones of the skeleton’s dissolves to fine particles and disappears!

Morgan looks at him and grins, “You’re getting better at this.”

Ooma smiles and shouts, “Nice one, Holy man!”

Wik turns immediately back to the keys. “Okay, I’m turning on the snow and the music and what was the other one?”

Ooma suggest the yellow one, “To see if another panel opens up.”

Wik turns the keys. As the white one is left turn, large fluffy flakes drift downward and the room’s temperature drops noticeably. As the green key is left turned, the music plays, echoing off the hard surfaces, its sound pleasant. When the yellow key is turned, the panel the vase was in formerly, rises again, revealing an empty niche.

Wik begins to feel very tired, quickly discovering the vase to be the cause and sets the vase on the ground. “Okay, anyone want to try to smash that?”

Morgan steps up and deftly brings Ichabod’s staff down hard on the glass. Wik raises an eyebrow, “You know if you shatter that she’s going to kill you, right?”

“She has to unkill herself first.” He laughs, the stick hitting the vase, the reverberations tingling up his arms from the ineffective strike.

Wik instructs Ooma and Martonis to try. Ooma shakes her head, “Sweetie, let’s work on getting out of here first, then we’ll look at the vase. One problem at a time.”

Wik looks at her, “Okay, whose going to carry it, and feel exhausted?”

Martonis, thinking, asks, “Are there any other keys you might have found?”

A short discussion and the answer appears to be an abrupt, “No, we didn’t find nothing. What you see is what we’ve found.”

The snow is piling up, about two-feet deep, before Wik re-turns the keys, shutting them off.

Ooma has an idea, warning everyone to get into the hall where the cave-in occurred. “I want to try something. Set the vase in the centre of the room first, Wik.” When everyone is safely peeking around the stone door of the corridor, she turns the blue key, emitting the lightning shaped blast that bounces around the room, unfortunately it chooses to dispel on Ooma’s scale armour, missing as Ooma lifts her wooden shield feeling the shudder of the blast, pushing her against the wall solidly, a second blast of lightning pops out just before Ooma can switch the key off, bouncing around the room in unleashed glory, dissipating against the wall.

“Well, that didn’t work.” Ooma walks forward and smashes the vase with her gold-plated mace, which recoils so violently in her hand it almost pulls it from her grip. Yet the vase remains, unbroken.

Martonis also decides to smash it, swinging his morning star soundly against the side, knocking it over and causing it to roll about five-foot.

Wik tries the simple route, walking over to where it stops and commanding, “Open.” He shrugs a sheepish grin on his face. While Ooma ambles over and proceeds to rub it with her new gloves, succeeding in obtaining a classic shine, but zilch-else transpires.

“Okay, this thing is – I mean, let’s just figure this out later; let’s just try and get out of here first,” Ooma comments, proceeding to question Morgan about the skeletons, learning that the skeletons in the room seemed to be immobile. She once again requests everyone to get back in the corridor. She wants to turn all the keys.

Martonis seems a little worried about this decision, but, as he has just joined this group, he bends to their choices, his unholy-like remarks filtering under his breath.

When they are all in the corridor, Ooma begins turning keys. Black, then red, then white, green, yellow and lastly blue. She crouches down and holds her shield above her head.

As the keys are turned, the familiar patterns appear. Black key: a brownish-black liquid seeps between the stones and down the north wall; the red key brings forth about a cubic foot of red ooze from a crack in the south wall, quite close to Ooma. The white key has snow falling at a steady pace. Turning the green key brings the sound of music to the room and the yellow one lifts and lowers the niche panel. The blue key sends forth its frightening bolt of electricity, which eventually ploughs into Ooma’s shield, scorching the wood nearly through. A second bolt flashes out, and every six-to-eight seconds a new bolt flashes forth.

After the second bolt flashes, Ooma jumps and switches them off, starting with the blue key.

The party returns to the room, deflated. “There has to be a way out!”

Wik asks, “Shall we go clear that cave-in?”

Ooma has another suggestion, “Why don’t we pry open that skeleton door and see if we can make our way through without disturbing them?”

Morgan warms to this, “Why don’t we try to kill them with the lightning?”

Ooma points out, “I don’t know. They’re made of glass not metal.”

Morgan asks if the keys are removable, and Wik reassures him, “Nope, they’re fixed.”

Pondering their options, Wik again suggests they try clearing out the hallway.

“Wait,” Morgan pipes up. “Did we try moving the podium?” He walks up to it and lifts it, taking a half-step before the door slides open and three more skeletons enter the room, going toward the podium and taking up their stances. Morgan, ignoring the skeletons, continues his examination of the wooden podium, peering at the bottom, hoping for a trigger; trip wires or a pressure plate, and discovering a solid surface. He then runs to the corridor door with the podium. As he tilts the podium the tablet falls onto the ground.

Martonis, ready, his arms held thusly, his holy symbol raised, commands in an authoritative voice, “By divine radiance, I command thee, be gone!” His efforts are two-thirds successful as two of the skeletons turn and walk away from Martonis, bumping the Obsidian wall, their mindlessness causing them to continue to try to walk through the wall.

The party then joins the fight, their weapons flying. Ooma, an idea forming, turns the green key, causing the music to play and the skeleton’s legs to imitate dancing. (The Undead Boogie or the Monster Mash.)

The party continues their battle until the last skeleton drops and a vortex of glass shards spins the glass shards slicing our heroes, as it whirls and disappears. (DM Note: The DM’s count of the death, or, ‘re-death’ order of the skeleton’s WAS correct; C, (Ooma) then A, (Morgan) then, finally, B, (Morgan).)

As the vortex begins, the gold tablet on the ground melts into a puddle of molten gold, a slight steam rising as the snow around it melts. The glass vase, filled with treasures, sits on the dais where it was placed many minutes before. The podium lays forgotten on its side on the ground, a snow drift piled against it...

The party decides to take a long rest, recovering their powers and healing their bodies... puzzling over the way to leave this room. The DM will trust they set up their tents or at least wrap in their winter blankets. The room is much colder and the snow is icing over...


XP: 1375 XP each. EXTRA-XP for those who write a story (with the Tavern at its centre...); journal entry (of usefulness); or an insight into their character’s back story... 50xp X (your) character level, for one entry per week...


so close... so darn close...
fledgling Dungeon Mistress,

Saturday, November 07, 2015

A sweet odour begins to fill the room...

If we will remember, as we paused last week’s game, Ooma was jumping down from the podium after knocking the golden tablet to the floor, and they are faced with six creatures appearing to be nothing more than animated bones of Obsidian glass emerging from a sliding door in the north wall. Pinpoints of red glow in their eye sockets. The door behind the skeletons slides silently closed as the final one exits. They advance toward the party, their ‘bones’ jingling musically. Heard, echoing in the stone and glass cave, a gleeful laugh and a familiar chant in a raspy voice intones:
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum;
Slice these flesh-bags, make them run!
The coarse laughter grows and, of note, all of the skeleton’s jaws have animated and are jiggling up and down, the slight ‘tinkling’ of their delicate structures continues.
The golden glow above the podium grows in both size and wattage, burning very intensely – it almost seems to be sizzling...
The bright light reveals the entire sixty-to-seventy foot squarish room to the heroes, however they cannot take advantage of the view right now; right now they need to roll initiative... errr, deal with the glass skeletons.

Our group is staggered.
As they break their statue-like stances, before a skirmish begins, a blast of cool, fresh air whooshes in. A door in the west wall slides open and a large, armoured figure walks through.

At this same moment, the flapping of a long black-cloak hanging on the wall next to the door draws our group’s eyes when it catches the breeze, unfolding, its ray-like form evolving to dark wings and a bony, whip-like tail. As it animates, its glowing red-eyes demoralize those caught in its stare, a toothy mouth opens, a loud wail assails our team, weakening them, forcing them to clasp their ears.

An alert Ichabod leaps, placing herself between the strange newcomer and the gargantuan bat-like creature, becoming the prey as its wings envelop her. At the same time, the first skeleton, nearest a Ooma lunges their body forward, spikes of Obsidian teeth clashing...

Unable to follow Ichabod, our heroes turn their attention to the immediate danger to their health...

Tumbling, swinging, launching arrows and battling leaves our party tired and frustrated. They are relatively unimpressed with this shiny-plated soldier as repeatedly, his attempts to turn the creatures, fail. Their own attempts barely scratching the brittle bones. 

The tide finally begins to turn when the newcomer, at long last, pulls forth a spell, “By the power of Pelor!” and our party watches three of the six beasts disappear.

Continuing to battle they ultimately make glass dust of the final skeletons, a whirlwind of glass shards slicing bared skin as the skeleton falls the other two adding their residue to the whirls.

As soon as the last skeleton is crushed, the golden tablet that fell to the floor ‘liquefies’ into a puddle of molten gold; the globe’s light diminishes and a new tablet materialises on the podium.

Wik moves to take a look at the podium.

Morgan moves toward the Cloaker’s (the bat-like creature) exit, the west door, exiting through.

Ooma asks the newcomer, “Did you see where that thing took our friend?”

“Down the hall,” his deep voice rumbles as he turns and follows Morgan. Ooma follows him, in the hopes of saving Ichabod. A cave in, about thirty feet down the hall, frustrates this attempt. A mountain of rock and debris clogs the corridor.

Meanwhile, back in the other room, Wik stares, puzzled at the new tablet. The language an enigma to him.

In the hall, as they ponder their next move, his light bathing the area brightly, the newcomer notices the severe injuries to the party, and utters, “By the grace of Pelor.”

Both Ooma and Morgan notice their injuries disappear. “Thanks!” “Oh, wow, thank you!” they both utter, surprised and grateful for this kindness.

Morgan half-heartedly pokes at the pile of tumbled rock with Ichabod’s staff, then plants the staff in a crack, as a tribute to her, while Ooma wonders if they should go after her.

The newcomer looks at her, his face a big question. “Go through solid rock? I can’t see how.”

They nod, turn and return to the room they started in, Morgan taking one step before returning for the staff, the glow as he grabs it, pulling it from the crevice, missed by all. He shrugs, following the others, “Well, we did everything we could.”

Arriving in the room, Ooma, seeing the cooling gold, decides to gold-plate her mace, dipping it into the still liquid puddle, adding a unknown plating-strength to her future swings. She looks to the new comer, finally having time. “Hi, I’m Ooma. You are?”

The tall newcomer, not removing his armour replies, “Hello, I am Martonis of Pelor.” He adds confusedly, “And I don’t have any idea where I am. I entered a tavern, used the privy and here I am.”

The snickers are soon joined by a chorus of, “Welcome to the club.”

Morgan ventures, “I don’t suppose you have any flasks of ale or drink?”

Martonis smiles, “I have rum.”

Morgan wraps his arm around Martonis’s shoulder, stuttering, “My new best friend.”

Martonis searches his bag, handing a bottle of the fine liquid refreshment to Morgan, whose eyes light up. “Enjoy.”

“I will. Thanks! And thanks for the heals!”

Wik eyes the contents eagerly. “And you, young man,” Martonis intones icily, “if I catch your paw in my belongings, I shall not hesitate to lop it off.” His eyes cold as he stares through the visor of his helmet.

Wik laughs the warning off, his eyes eagerly dancing over the newcomer’s belongings. "By the way, thanks for healing me."

The party chooses to take a few minutes and drink some of this fine rum. Wik reminds them about the new tablet on the podium. Ooma is looking around the room, Martonis following as she searches; Morgan collecting some of the glass shards.

Martonis locates a lever on the north wall; next to the sliding door the skeletons exited, or entered, from, and calls everyone over. Wik, hearing ‘lever’ looks up from the tablet, “Can someone read this?” he asks, as he hustles over to the lever to look for traps. In the meanwhile, Morgan moves to the tablet, scratching his head, unable to decipher it.

Morgan reaches forward and starts to turn the tablet upside down. As soon as his fingers touch it, an audible click sounds, and the door next to the lever Martonis is standing beside slides back and three Obsidian skeletons march out, their eyes glowing embers of red.

Morgan, though startled, resets the tablet and dashes through the door, only to become lodged in the sliding mechanism, the pressure nearly slicing him in two before he is able to extract himself falling back into the room with his companions (tearing his pant leg in the process), but not before getting an ominous view of the interior of the room: row upon row upon row upon row of Obsidian skeletons, their eyes black lumps of charcoal.

The heroes plunge into attack mode, Father Martonis turning two of the skeletons, making them easy fodder for our hero’s weapons and attacks. And, easy pickings they are. Quickly our group drop the animated glass cages, the whirling vortex of glass angrily spinning before petering out and dropping shards of glistening glass back onto the stone and sand surface.

Ooma, breathing hard, turns and looks at the tablet, giddy as she discovers it written in Dwarf! Wik moves about the room, his powers of observation enhanced by the near death experiences!

Ooma’s voice booms, speaking aloud the words written on the tablet:
            The larger I grow
            The less that you see.
            Squint all you wish,
            When surrounded by me.

            I am what?

Silence descends as the party pauses, puzzling.

Wik turns back to the stone walls, walking slowly.

Ooma breaks the silence and confers with the group about the answer to the riddle as Wik moves around. They ponder and rack their minds. "Sun?" "Sandstorm?"

Wik pauses before a panel in the south stone wall, near the west corner. Tilting his head he touches the raised panel and it slides sideways revealing a series of neon-glowing keys. The colours, aligned from left to right: green, red, blue, yellow, black and white. He mumbles that he's, "found something here."

Wik looks for tricks, traps, or instructions. Nothing appears. Without hesitation, or conferring with the others, he reaches forward and turns the key corresponding to his favourite colour; red.

Ooma calls, “Hey, hey, one riddle at a time here!”

“Too late,” Wik glances over his shoulder. A click from the key brings forward a red ooze slithering in through a tiny crevice between the floor and the stone wall. The party groans in horror, as the puddle, about a foot in diameter shimmers on the ground.

Ooma, still over at the podium shouts out the answer to the puzzle. “Darkness! I think the answer is darkness. Final answer. Darkness.”

As the word ‘darkness’ leaves Ooma’s lips, all light sources (candles; torches; lanterns; light spells) snuff out; the only illumination are the eerie radiant red lumps of skeleton eyes.

A sweet odour begins to fill the room...

Will our party be here next week? Will they be suffering some gaseous malady? The ooze? The radiant skeletal eyes? Maybe, next time, discussion before action...? Or not... :0)


XP: 2100 XP each. EXTRA-XP for those who write a story (with the Tavern at its centre...); journal entry (of usefulness); or an insight into their character’s back story... 50xp x character level, for one entry per week...

(without artistic liscense, (you know, the way things REALLY went down):

thinking about glow-in-the-dark moss...
fledgling Dungeon Mistress,
