Thursday, April 07, 2016

The battle seems to be

A raucous good time was had by all as steel swished and thrust; parried and sliced; spells fizzled and spectacularly endured.

Blood was spilt, and left to languish on the glassy floor.

Our heroes, tired, injured, hungry and thirsty continued their battle with the remaining vampires: Jahlo, Vizier Scribbles and the fighter, Arrowyn.

Finding themselves in a bit of a dilemma as the last one standing, Arrowyn Bishop, her constitution serving her as she fought ferociously with her blade, though, in the end, being blinded caused her to suffer too much damage and she, too, was taken down.

Exhausted, and with severe injuries our heroes breathe a sigh.

Time to work on the dome… or is it?

Have they cleared the way, or have they only been exhausting themselves? Were these the ones standing between them and those in the dome?

I hope they don't need too much downtime, I hear the cackle of an ancient soul…


XP: 1,500 points each. 


Dungeon Mistress,

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