Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cyrohydra... something to 'cryo-ver'...

As our group begins to awaken, they hear shouts; someone is calling them. Curiously, they peer about, spotting Tessalia, Benji, Amaril and Jahlo in the arched opening on the other side of the collapsed ice bridge.

Learning from the three serving ladies that the only way around would take several hours, a day most likely, the team begins to discuss alternatives.

Carefully lowering themselves, one at a time, they descend into the snowy pit, plough their way through the deep thigh-deep snow, and toss the rope up to Ooma, who, with the aid of the others, lifts the party from the pit, dragging them up onto the icy rocks they have been resting on.

Before they can catch their breath, the ice-covered pool to the North rumbles, and, glancing over the side down into the frozen liquid they can see a large creature pushing up through the ice at a fast clip.

“Let’s haul ass!” Ooma shouts, looking around for the exit and spies a narrow outcropping of rock leading across to the other side and up into the mountain of rock.

The trail is icy and slopes downward, before rising again, causing many of the group to slip and tumble, giving the creature time to catch up, as the group hears the unmistakable expression, “Meat...”

Due to indecision, the creature is able to send an icy blast of frigid air across the path of our heroes, nearly felling the entire group. The beast, now identified as a Cyrohydra, is merely a baby, only two heads glower with scaly light-purple skin. Its breath does less damage than a fully-grown beast, although Tessalia is rendered unconscious, and many others are gasping with the icy-frost coating their bodies and seeping through their clothing.

A mighty battle ensues and, if not for a prudent retreat, and the skills of their new acquaintance, Ichabod, they may have well lost a member or two of their party. The skilled stranger manages to severed the two heads, dropping the beast as the others escape to the narrow tunnel several yards away.

Not unscathed, with gouges and rents in her flesh, Ichabod smiles as she wipes the sweat from her brow and steps forward onto the ice to relieve the beast of its treasures. Hydra’s are well known in her realm for carrying items of great interest, if not value. 

On the other side of the tunnel the group pants heavily as they examine injuries, using plasters and ointment to clean and cover smaller gashes and cuts. They decide after their struggle they are retiring to take a full, long rest, recuperate and regain their strength. While they are resting they may want to appraise some of the gems they have picked up...

They dubiously examine the contents of their packs, wondering if they dare eat any more of the rations they found... They also glance curiously at the smooth-walled cave they seem to have entered. There appears to be no way out except back through the icy path where the hydra lies...

And, mama Cyrohydra has heard the commotion and calls to papa...


XP FOR THIS WEEK: 450-each character, incl. Benji.

TREASURE DISCOVERED BY ICHABOD: Will be determined by MONDAY, August 24th – if you wish to have a shot at getting your desired item(s), be SURE to post in the journal what you’d most like... get greedy and nothing appears... so choose wisely, and explain (creatively) why your character NEEDS/WANTS this item... You never know what this baby-hydra has collected... 
looking for another exit...
Fledgling Dungeon Mistress,


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