Wednesday, August 19, 2015

NEVER Separate the Party...

NEVER Separate the Party...

“But why?” you ask.

And so we begin, the party awakening from their ailments, some, not able to overcome the gut wrenching cramps, have chosen to remain in the cavern at the end of the trap’s shaft. The remainder of the party rolls onward...

Ooma, Morgan, Racelette, Fequr and Adrie are at the top of the trap, and Ichabod and Wik are a couple of miles ahead under the cavern, following Ichabod’s staff, they are wandering the curvaceous canyons. Wik pauses, peering intently at a large clump of glowing globs and methodically begins to chip fist-sized chunks off the colourful, glittering orbs, pressing the irregular shapes into his rucksack. Ichabod, slows and watches, a smile lifting her lips.


Due to technical difficulties, which keep requesting the DM ‘restart’ her device, the remainder of this episode is shrouded in mystic and fabrication... As a DM, I can have some fun too...

Sliding down the thick walls of the ‘red-snake’s’ intestines, which, oddly, resemble thick, dark-purple Obsidian, Ooma, Morgan, and the three serving wenches land in a tangled mess in the large, glowing cavern. Righting themselves, they note their companions, Tessalia, Jhalo, and Amaril, sleeping, curled into foetal positions. They recognised the misery that, they too suffered, and decide to leave them sleep. Benji, wagging his tail, rests his large head on Jhalo’s hip, guarding the stricken adventurers.

Discovering that the glowing orbs are actually mounds of valuable gemstone, Ooma smashes them as she walks through the maze of canyons, following the ladies and Morgan, who has taken the lead, gathering the chunks as she goes.

They soon catch up to Wik and Ichabod, and, with all their smash-and-grab tactics, they have alerted several creatures who inevitably make their way toward the group, hindering their progress. True to form, our heroes strike back with interesting results, they kill some creatures, have some creatures run away, and, unbeknownst to them, have their actions watched and, as they continue forward, find their way hampered greatly.

Ooops... said too much...?

They search bodies of those they kill and do not walk away empty handed. Gold and silver coins amass.

As they take a few moments to look around, they spy an arched opening, which, well, they have to go through. And, well, of course it’s another trap. They find themselves watching as Morgan, unable to leap the final step, tumbles, the ice cube they are crossing suddenly cracking and shattering bringing Morgan face-to-face with... a SNOWMAN!

He easily dispatches the creature and then struggles to climb out of the deep, snowy-hole he’s fallen into. Creeping along... the party decides to pause for the night, on an icy bridge, clambering tightly together to fend off the frigid blasts of this ice cave. Ichabod, carefully conserving magical power, conjures a small fire, hovering it in the centre of the group, and well off the frozen floor. A sleepiness overcomes the group and they slip into slumber... waking hours later as the bridge shivers...

“Good morning class, are we ready for another interesting romp in the underground?”


DM NOTE: I do apologise, I was unable to view last week’s episode, which I rely on for awarding XP and writing this recap, so, for the game held August 12th, please add 300XP. If you wrote in the journal, you may also add an additional 100XP.

schooling the team...
Fledgling Dungeon Mistress,

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