Saturday, January 09, 2016

You lead horses not characters... my apologies...

*DM note: I really should know by now that the best laid plans will be erased by the simplest of questions or actions which my little pea-sized brain never considered – I mean, why wouldn’t you jump to the aid of a stranger about to be accused of exploding a building the size of a city-block and levelling it past its foundations?

Have discovered learned the only pre work I need to do is prepare the starting, or opening, line – after that I should just let my heroes do their thing and should they wander aimlessly for the entire evening, maybe nudge, but (I hope) NEVER lead them again... My apologies for what seemed like such a FUN side trip to acquire a bit of information and some components in a unique way, backfired into a tedious, confusing evening... (It sounded so GOOD on paper...)

Let me just ensure that the purpose of the trip is not lost:
ACQUIRED: Three (3) orange-yellow vials about as big as a man’s finger with wax stoppers.
INFORMATION: When you combine very fine dry powder with a specific insect and the vial, you obtain a lethal incendiary device with an unknown delay before it erupts spectacularly. Further testing may reveal the full process – or it is possible someone in the castle has a working knowledge of this crude and clever mechanism... It’s too bad they tossed the carcass before they returned... or did they?

The way it was supposed to go, (to find out HOW it actually unfolded, please visit the YouTube recording – if you want to see how NOT to run a campaign...)

Following the longest day shopping any of our heroes has ever undertaken, they are grateful for the thick eiderdown mattresses and fires crackling in the grates warming their rooms.

After a filling ‘family-style’ supper, (which Queen Lucy INSISTED they eat, and watched like a hawk that they did, teasing, "It's not poisoned," dipping her silver spoon into the serving bowls scooping dainty bites and swallowing them, feeding her guests personally if they do not ‘dig in’), of consume, bread, roast pheasant, broiled tubers, a vegetable terrine and rich cream-filled pastries for dessert, their eyes grow heavy and, uttering good evening's, they are shown to their rooms on the third floor. Lucy insists on Ooma sleeping with her on the first floor and, despite the protests of the others, they do go to their assigned rooms.

Martonis pausing in the Gentlemen's lounge intent on reading is interrupted by Wik. The two have a terse conversation, Martonis not hiding his disdain for the Elf, as Wik exchanges some of the information he learned during their tour of the castle.

Then, Wik, shrugging, yawns, excuses himself and heads to his allocated room where he enjoys a bath, re-straps his daggers to his body, puts on his ointment and the soft nightshirt left for him before slipping between the silk sheets, falling asleep, the candle burning low in the safety of the holder…

Martonis, his reading disturbed, heads to his room, performs his absolutions, undresses, puts on the nightshirt provided, and slides between the silk sheets, leaning against the padded headboard his mind a whirlwind of thought, most concerning Lucy and her apparent fragile state although a scowl creases his face as his thoughts touch upon Wik, and a frown as he thinks of Amaril...

Morgan, after Ooma assures him she will sleep in the same bed as Lucy, finally is persuaded to follow the others to his own room. He enters, spies the rum, turns, smiles at Martonis, who is going to the lounge, "Goodnight." His plans changing from an evening in the library to an evening before the fire. Closing his door and setting his backpack and other items on a large round table and fixing the new contraption he purchased to his possessions before cracking open a bottle, he grabs a mug and settles himself in the overstuffed easy chair, putting his feet on the pouffe, filling his mug, tossing it back, and repeating the process… a fluttering of a greyish vision infiltrates his dreams. Awakening, he puts another log onto the fire, goes back to the chair and resumes consuming rum...

Amaril also has a bath, but before he can get into bed, he has a visitor, whom he receives after pulling on the nightshirt laid out for him. When his guest leaves, he ponders his next move whilst climbing into his comfortable bed, blowing the candle's flame out. Resting his head on his hands he thinks, staring into the darkness...


About an hour after the last of our heroes enters their room, a loud explosion rattles the castle and they grab the robe at the foot of their beds and rush out of their rooms tugging the cloak-like robe on, Ooma, mace in hand, tells Lucy to hide under the bed as she exits the room into the hallway, closing the door firmly behind her. Martonis manages to snatch his morning star as he rushes from the room. Wik and Amaril, daggers strapped to their bodies fling the robes on and pull back their doors, following Martonis to the rail. Morgan takes both his staff and scimitar as he hustles, still fully clothed into the hall... (DM note: ALL weaponry and armour was to be left behind – they were supposed to rush so quickly out that they were caught with their pants down, so to speak, to avoid an lengthy discussion I allowed these items.)

Damnit - we're not in Kansas any more…

Morgan, Wik, Amaril and Martonis find themselves looking over a wooden balcony-rail two stories above the main salon. Pandemonium reigns as people scramble about the large area, furniture scattered and flung about, some broken, most toppled. Ooma, on the main floor of a public house or tavern, is looking around and up at the bedlam. Shouts, gasps and shrieks fill the evening air.

Others, nearly everyone is a Gnome, exiting their rooms, are pushing past rudely in their haste to find out what happened, or to escape in-case it should happen again.

Their room doors locked, they descend the sturdy wood-staircase, (making their way towards Ooma), catching snippets and bits of conversation – enough to piece together a large explosion has taken place across the street from the fashionable inn and everyone is shaken. A squad of soldiers are ineffectual in calming the crowd, although no one is particularly out-of-control.

Our heroes catch snippets of conversations...

“Whatcha think, ‘eh? Inklebyrds Incendiary Devices or Estale Eitherdip’s Exciting Explosions?”
“Yah, Balderk’s Blazing Bonfires would never be so careless, a dwarf who’d make a mistake like that would be run out of town!”
“No, Samuel Valdkjurdi’d never allow that!” Ribald snorts.
“Did the fireworks started early!” a particularly drunken man spouts.
“Wonder if the celebrations will be cancelled?”
“Anyone hurt?”

The squad's captain shaking his head at the carnage, making his way to the front of the thick, stone foundationed building when a comely woman runs in. Screeching when she spies the captain, moving towards him her fists balled and her arms animated.

"I told you that note was trouble, now look! It’s already started! Rywyn is a fool! What are we going to do?" He goes to her and wraps his arms about her, embracing her as she clenches him. He peers around and, in the confusion, spies our heroes standing in a group, their white robes denoting their higher station in the town guard.

A smile forms on his face, brightening it, "Look my dear, we are saved, these must be the ones the Manor has sent to help us. They must have thought the note had merit after all!"

He strides over to the group and extends a hand, "You must be the detectives my cousin, Rywyn Nackle, promised from the Manor. I thought he was in jest. I’m Errick Nackle, Town Guard Captain. You've come at the best and worst time. We've a lunatic on the loose who...," he flushes, stammering.

The woman speaks up, "We received THIS!" She forces a note under your noses. “We have to find
out who is doing this or my husband will be unfairly blamed, not to mention, if this lunatic succeeds someone could... WILL ...get hurt!" Her face flush as her eyes glitter in the torch lighting. “Rywyn sent you, so you must help,” she pleads.

As the noise and cacophony of voices becomes louder with the arrival of those in nearby establishments, seeking information, Martonis grasps Errick’s hand, “I am Martonis, but I’m afraid there’s been some confusion, we have not been sent by this Rywyn Nackle, nor the Manor. In fact we aren’t sure where we are?”

This elicits raised eyebrows and confused gazes. Errick’s wife pleads, clasping Morgan’s arm, “Please, please help my husband. If you are not from the Manor, then it’s true, they do not believe him and are going to blame him for this disaster! We will be ruined because of a madman!”

Morgan rolls his eyes; his demeanour suggests he is not thrilled with this development. Martonis, on the other hand, wears an expression of sympathy. “We will help, but what would you have us do?”

The party tries to return to their rooms to no avail, with nothing else to do they are forced to accept the challenge. They agree, reluctantly, to assist Errick and the town through their immediate troubles, and begin posing questions.

They learn from the bartender, a lovely red-headed human, that a tall, lanky human fellow with a slight limp, had been lurking around the exploded building about two weeks ago. Several of the gnomish patrons nod thoughtfully corroborating her recollection, one commenting, “I think it was only a week ago, though.” Another describing the fellow in question so well, Errick is immediately able to name him!

“That sounds like Arnold Bennedikt, a soldier under my command! Are you certain?” Several nods firms his resolve and he beseeches the party to go with him to an establishment called the Rabid Rodent, “He can usually be found there. This could be the reason he has not reported for duty for the last two evenings.” (DM NOTE: THIS is a alteration of MY plans. Errick was to go and drum up more help while the party courageously deciphered clues, swiftly located and brought our culprit to justice, OR were caught in an explosion of epic proportions...)

(Here we blend what our heroes did and what I, the DM, forced upon them...) The party, still in the throes of utter confusion themselves, decide to examine the detonated site to look for clues or patterns or gain some indications as to what happened before the sun completely set and the land was awash in inky blackness. A thorough inspection provides some surprising evidence. Amaril climbs around inside the smouldering remains and, with careful processes, discovers that the pattern of the explosion verifies the building was targeted from the inside, and he locates the probable source. Continuing, Wik discovers a white powder residue lightly coating the area and, upon closer scrutinizing, announces, “Flour. It’s flour? Now why would there be flour everywhere?” Outside Wik locates two large hind legs of some kind of insect.

Across the River Bridge on the western banks of the Sparkle River, GlitterTop becomes a dissimilar place. The safety of the town’s walls and sanitation of its streets are replaced by a muddy, filthy neighbourhood filled with lean-tos and shelters in improvised shantytowns between the few standing edifices. Drunks and ruffians of all sorts stagger around, carousing without a care in the world. The Rabid Rodent Tavern, discernible by a sign containing a crude depiction of its namesake, stands as the most solid building in the whole neighbourhood. It’s still a two-story wooden jumble, however.

As the party enters the barely habitable establishment, Errick, in the lead, peers through the sooty dimness spotting his man fairly quickly. Marching his direction, he is almost to the table when Arnold lifts his bleary head, his eyes unfocussed, he utters a nonsensical muttering before his head drops again, his fingers tightly clutched around the handle of a Toby-jar, the contents mere drops clinging to the bottom.

“Soldier!” Errick barks at the slovenly male.

Arnold leaps to his feet, his chair tipping backward and landing on the dirt floor with a thud. “cursh in the shervice of the greedy Nacklesh!” He pulls a long sword awkwardly from his belt, waving it wildly as it flies from his hand and drops a distance away. “Yoush sink yor sho graysh... he’ll showsh you, all you hoity-toity shnomes...” He falls across the table. Errick lifts his head by the hair, Arnold barely notices, muttering, “Eshplode; all exshplode.” He laughs maniacally.

“Explode? What do you know of this?”

Arnold fixes his one open eye on Errick, “Gnomes, bah! Learn yoursh lesshon shewonight.” He belches loudly, jerking his head back and stumbling into a few other drunks. One of whom turns to the party, “Piss off,” he rumbles, tossing his empty mug at the party, missing, before launching himself unsteadily at Wik.

A wonderful melee ensues as the party fully over compensates to their drunken antics, especially as the other twelve or fifteen patrons in the bar takes no notice as the five stumble about, flailing their arms ineffectually. As they are knocked unconscious, one at a time, Arnold holds his hands up in surrender, and falls back into a chair his eyes rolling and his head lolling a sudden panic overwhelming him. “Hurshy, on hish shway...”

Errick searches the man and pulls a map from his cloak. Spreading it on the table, the party can see, in the dim greasy light, several ‘x’s’ placed about. “It’s a map of GlitterTop!” Errick gasps.

The party concludes the X’s are where the devices have been placed. Is this where the explosions will take place? At Arnold’s giggle, he continues, “My gawds man! That the Tenements! A lot of families live there! We’ll need to split up it’ll take too long otherwise.” Errick concludes. "We still don’t know what we're are looking for."

Errick quickly explains the map to the party, pointing the various places and ease to get there; GlitterTop is not a large town. Memorising the map, our party nods and hurries toward the door. Before they exit Arnold rises halfway up from his seat, “Fower; barrelsh of dry flours; dry! Dry! Dry floursh; barrelsh of dries flour in place. Another rounsh!” He swings his arm widely, falling off the seat.

Carefully retracing their steps they come to the bridge, the party decides to split up, each taking a separate ‘X’ on the map, joining the others as they or when they diffuse the explosion or fail to deactivate or diffuse the trigger. As they query people on the bridge a loud explosion rocks the waterfront and off to the south a fiery ball lights up the sky and the air is thick with the faint screams of the injured or dying.

Ooma elects to search the bridge. “I’ll catch up with you if I can’t find anything,” she tells Morgan.

Morgan elects to search the fireworks factory and sets off at a quick pace to locate the nearly city-long building across from the marina, while Martonis sighs and runs, clinking and clanking to the forge, several minutes away.

Amaril and Wik choose to search the Tenements and get some help from a few tenants rushing to the dockside fire who report seeing someone moving stuff in, or out, of the basement in building seven, and either building four, five or six. Searching they discover the barrels of flour and thinking quickly, using the nearby sinks, they pour water in the barrels, soaking the flour before digging their hands in the sludgy mess.

They discover a large bug, about two-feet in length in the centre of the flour. Wik discovers the bug is dead; a knife has sliced its stomach right up the middle. He also sees a small glass tube inside, filled with an orangeish liquid. He shakes the bug and notices a small ‘poof’ of smoke. Nothing else.

They decide to find Morgan first, as they have diffused their barrels.

In the meantime, a large stone forge burns with the red heat that boils to pure white at its centre. Several smaller forges burn, each with a burly apprentice swinging a hammer, watching metal shards take shape into useful items, currently horseshoes. The heat is as hot as the lava that pours down the side of the mountain on the island across the ocean. Six youthful apprentices and one respected master, a dwarf, who’s trained many blacksmiths in their art work in the forge and live in the attached small wooden structure with a deep root-cellar. The barrel has been placed in the root cellar near the main post. Martonis reaches the forge district and runs toward the door, “Run, get out now.” He moves to explain to a sturdy dwarf who astutely grasps the situation when Martonis mentions the first two, and is aided by the rumble of a third.

The two search the root cellar and quickly locate the barrel. The timer has not been set, but they know not this. As the forge master, Samuel Valdkjurdi, lifts the lid, Martonis instantly casts a ‘water’ spell, and a deluge of water pours from a cloud that appears above the barrel, much to the surprise of Samuel. Martonis also searches the barrel, after waiting a short time and finds the large beetle-like bug.

As they exit to the outdoors a loud, massive explosion ripples the ground and knocks them backward, felling Wik and Amaril. A white light shoots upward and many rockets, roman candles, sparklers and other unrestrained fireworks began shooting, their dangerous fires torching nearby thatch roofs and shanties. The call of “Fire!” goes out and uninjured townsfolk begin responding.

A boy comes running up to Martonis, ”Sir, they need you at the Inn, someone is there with a message.”

About the same time, Wik and Amaril are lifted to their feet, the blast ringing in their ears and are directed to the Inn. They stare at the gapping, fire-spewing hole that was the building Morgan was to inspect. “Maybe Ooma didn’t get here yet,” Amaril shouts to Wik, wiping a tear from his eye.

Grimly, Wik nods and they wobbly follow the page sent to get them.

Finding the Inn crowded with uninjured and seeing people going into and out of their rooms, our heroes dash for their rooms; all except Amaril – he tests Ooma’s door and finds he can open it. He steps through and finds himself inside Queen Lucy’s bed chamber and it is still night.

Queen Lucy, awakening and crawling out from under the bed confronts Amaril who, very gently and tenderly using simple words he explains to the child that Ooma and Morgan were killed as they fought bravely to save many others. He endures her anger and pain as she pounds his shoulders, her arms tightly gripping him, her tears falling in deep sadness, her sobs bringing tears to Amaril and Madame K’s eyes.

As Martonis and Wik enter their rooms, they check that their stuff is there. They go to the doors and find that when they open them now, they enter the castle hallways. Puzzled, they stand for a moment.

A piercing scream jangles the castle walls. Wik and Martonis glance at each other and dive for the stairwell, two or three at a time they descend the spiral, square staircase, barely pausing on the large landings, they hit the main floor and turn toward Queen Lucy’s room.

As they enter, they pull up short. Before them, alive and seemingly well, are Ooma and Morgan!

Queen Lucy, tears drying on her cheeks, “You lied! They aren’t dead!”

What the hell...?


XP: 1,500 EACH for allowing me to annoy the hell out of you; EXTRA-XP for those who write a story (with the Tavern at its centre...); journal entry (of usefulness); or an insight into their character’s back story... 50xp x character level, for one entry per week…



promising to never lead again...
fledgling floundering Dungeon Mistress,

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